Как проверить сайт на ошибки онлайн?

Node.js API

Install in your project

npm i --save-dev node-w3c-validator


Name Data type Description
The path to the folder or directly to the file, for verification, also it can be url to the Web document
Options for validating, sеe description below
Validation callback, sеe description below


an exception

transforms to

exec{    buffersize1024*500}

Validation callback.


Name Data type Description
if no errors — will be , otherwise — Error object
string with reporting result, if no errors — can be as empty string

Write file


Name Data type Argument Description
relative path to saving a file
file output content
constnodeW3CValidator=require('node-w3c-validator');constvalidatePath='./dist/*.html';constresultOutput='./reports/result.html';nodeW3CValidator(validatePath,{    format'html',    skipNonHtmltrue,    verbosetrue},function(err,output){if(err ===null){return;}nodeW3CValidator.writeFile(resultOutput, output);});

Log Validator mini-FAQ

What is this?

A free, simple and step-by-step tool to improve dramatically the quality of your website. Find
the most popular invalid documents, broken links, etc., and prioritize the work to get them fixed.

Who should use this?

Anyone writing or maintaining websites, especially large ones.

Where is the documentation?

All the information on how to use this tool is in the Manual.

Where do I get it?

See the download instructions.

I’m a developer, can I help? ・ Where can I report bugs?

The tool is open source, developers are welcome to help, and bug reports are welcome, too.
See for details on participation and feedback.

Still unclear what exactly the tool does?

  • See the Screenshots and examples of use,
  • Read what others say about it,
  • or simply read on for more info.

Поддержка проверки браузерами

Разработчики браузеров добавляли поддержку проверки в свои продукты по частям, вследствие чего некоторые версии браузеров поддерживают одни возможности валидации, но не обращают внимания на другие. В таблице ниже указаны минимальные версии браузеров, полностью поддерживающих валидацию HTML5:

Поддержка проверки браузерами
Браузер IE Firefox Chrome Safari Opera Safari iOS Android
Минимальная версия 10 4 10 5 10

Так как проверка HTML5 не заменяет валидацию на стороне сервера, ее можно рассматривать как второстепенную возможность, когда даже такая несовершенная поддержка лучше, чем отсутствие вообще какой-либо поддержки. В браузерах, не поддерживающих проверку, таких как IE 9, можно отправлять формы с некорректными данными, но эти ошибки можно выявить на стороне сервера и возвратить эту страницу назад браузеру, но с указанными ошибками.

С другой стороны, ваш веб-сайт может содержать сложные формы, в которых можно сделать массу ошибок при вводе данных, и вы не хотите потерять тех IE-пользователей, которые после первой неудачной попытки заполнить вашу форму не предпримут другую. В таком случае у вас есть два пути: разработать и использовать свою систему проверки или же использовать библиотеку JavaScript, чтобы компенсировать умственную отсталость IE. Какой из этих двух подходов выбрать, зависит от объема и сложности проверки.

На странице HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills можно найти длинный список библиотек JavaScript, которые все, по большому счету, делают то же самое. Одна из лучших среди этих библиотек — это webforms2.

Библиотека webforms2 реализует все рассмотренные на данный момент атрибуты. Для использования библиотеки загрузите все ее файлы в папку своего веб-сайта (а лучше в подкаталог папки веб-сайта) и добавьте в веб-странице ссылку на эту библиотеку.

Библиотека webforms2 хорошо интегрируется с другой заплаткой JavaScript, называющейся html5Widgets. Она реализует поддержку возможностей форм, которые мы рассмотрим далее, таких как ползунок и средства выбора даты и цвета. Обе эти библиотеки предоставляют хорошую общую поддержку для веб-форм, но содержат в своем коде неизбежные пробелы и незначительные ошибки. Качество сопровождения и усовершенствования этих библиотек покажет только время.

A bit of History

Since 1994 and the
first HTML validator service, there has been a way to check the validity of one’s
webpage with regards to web standards (HTML, CSS, …). Other services, like
HTML Tidy allow you to
(semi-)automatically fix invalid documents…

This tool is here to make your life as a webmaster, web designer, web developer even
easier, by telling you which documents you should fix in priority.

It has first been developed by Gerald Oskoboiny as
an internal W3C tool (yes, even at W3C we create invalid HTML sometimes) to check the
HTML validity of the webpages on the W3C website, then
released its code
in september 2001.

In 2002, the Quality Assurance team at W3C decided to re-write
it as a modular, portable, and easy-to-use tool for webmasters. Its development continues, mostly
with the addition of new processing modules making the Log Validator a very useful and versatile
Web Quality analysis tool.

Проверка сайта на валидность

Валидаторы кода это онлайн-сервисы, способные выполнить проверку сайта на валидность, то есть соответствие всех элементов его установленным правилам и стандартам.

При проверке на валидность, в качестве валидатора может быть использован, например, сервис W3C. На нем есть три основных вкладки.

  1. На первой вкладке – Проверить URL, можно сразу же ввести адрес сайта или отдельной страницы для проверки.

2. На второй вкладке – Проверить загруженный файл, можно загрузить веб-страницы, которые находятся на компьютере и выполнить проверку их на валидность.

3. На третьей вкладке, которая называется Проверить набранный текст, можно ввести заготовленный участок кода, который требуется проверить на ошибки.

Все настройки сначала можно оставить по умолчанию и нажимаем Проверить. Получаем список ошибок и предупреждений.

Предупреждения выделены желтым цветом, а ошибки — красным. Рассмотрим, как выводятся предупреждения и ошибки при проверке на валидность:

  1. В первой строчке выводятся название самих атрибутов, не понравившиеся валидатору и название тега, в котором они встречаются.
  2. В следующей строчке указано, в какой строке и в каком столбце был найден фрагмент с ошибкой.
  3. В третьей строке отображается выделенный желтым цветом текст самого этого кода.

В данном случае можно открыть страницу и найти там строку 70, колонка 93.

Но это сделать часто затруднительно, потому что если ресурс работает на каком-то движке, например, на WordPress, то все файлы  его могут состоять из нескольких файлов шаблона, все это выводится через php и обнаружить там эту строчку будет непросто.

Поэтому, строчку с кодом лучше скопировать и найти ее в файлах шаблона определенной темы и уже там сделать исправления.

В общем случае нужно смотреть на ресурс, какие элементы на нем используются и в каких частях попадаются ошибки при проверке.

User support

How to handle communication/feedback/questions from the community and what to to use (mailing list, issues, forum, stackoverflow…)
forum & mailing list are not competitors, just look at different goals.

Mailing lists, which we are using right now, are helpful for bug reporting, suggestions & technical questions. But now, when a young developer have some questions on results or don’t understand validators issues he go to ask on others platforms like stackoverflow etc etc….

I suggest to identify 3 categories:

  • Bugs reports & suggestions
  • Local installation
  • Understanding of validator reports

Bugs reports & suggestions

  • Centralize and make all current issues publicly available on GitHub alongside the project source code and documentation

Local installation

Some users or companies need to install the validators locally. In the current state, it is difficult to install these tools because documentation is missing or outdated and often their installation involves many manual steps that could be improved (requirement to install lots of dependencies).

  • Update installation documentation
  • Simplify install process (improve build and deployment tools)
  • Use GitHub issues to report bug while installing
  • Use mailing list for help in installation

Understanding of validator reports

Users need to understand validators reports. In the current state, some developers don’t understand these reports (too technical, not enough explanation).

  • Help on validators report using social forum (community help):
  • Link each report issue to its technical documentation page (web platform, W3C spec, …)
  • Example of Google Cloud Platform using Stack Overflow for their community support:

W3C’s Validators dissemination

  • Lot of developers don’t know that W3C develops and maintains several validators. They need a single place to find all validator projects, a place that will showcase and promote their utilization.
  • Each validator needs its own page describing its features and goals to its audience.

Technical improvements

  • In some validators reports are not very clear. Maybe rephrase technical issues reported by the validators
  • Link each report issue to its technical documentation page (web platform, W3C spec, …)
  • Link report issues to tags on stackoverflow
  • Export report as PDF
  • Send report by email (with report attached as PDF)
  • Develop some modular functionalities which can be used by all validators. (like UI templates, page fetch, parser, formatting of report messages)
  • Provide a framework for translating validators’ messages

Non-Schema Checkers

The service supports a few special pseudo-schema URIs that map to
checkers written in a Turing-complete programming language.

Checks (X)HTML table integrity. The current implementation should be
considered a prototype that has not yet been updated to match the
latest spec language for HTML5. (See more
detailed discussion.)

Checks that constructs in the document tree are in the Unicode
Normalization Form C and don’t start with a “composing
character”. Using this pseudo-schema also enables normalization
checking of source text. (See more
detailed discussion.)

Checks the text content of the (X)HTML5 ,
and elements for conformance. (This is a prototype
with liberties taken.)

Warns about RDF, OpenMath and Inkspace holes and about the use of
in SVG.

Checks the attribute for referential integrity.

Shorthand for .

Shorthand for .

Dumps parse events as warnings.


In computer programming, there are broadly speaking two kinds of problems with code:

  • syntactical errors — these are where a mistake in the writing of the code causes the computer to be unable to execute or compile the program properly.
  • programming (or logic) errors — these are where the code does not completely reflect the intent of the programmer.

With most programming languages, the first error is incredibly easy to spot — your program will just refuse to run or compile until the error is fixed. This makes finding and fixing these types of bugs much easier in those general head-scratching moments of “So why isn’t it doing what I want?”

Get involved! Contribute to W3C Open-Source Software

W3C software is free and open source: the software is made primarily by
people of the Web community, for the Web community.

There are many ways to get involved:

Help Others

A lot of W3C software have a specific user discussion mailing-list (see each
projects for details), some also have IRC (chat) channels, such as the
#validator channel on the irc.freenode.net for
discussions on W3C validation services.

Write code

As explained , all of W3C software source is freely available, developers are
encouraged to get the source for the projects they care about and start hacking
right away.

Read the if you intend to contribute code. Note that as
this license is GPL compatible, it is possible to redistribute software based
on W3C sources under a GPL license.

Send Feedback

Code is not the only way to get involved in making W3C software better.
Testing, bug reports, suggestions, or help in creating good documentation are
equally important! Most project will have a Feedback page, and you can
report bugs, test cases and patches on our Bugzilla.

All the tools listed on this page are free and open source, but hosting,
maintaining and developing them often costs a lot. With your support through
the Validator Donation Program
or the W3C Supporters Program,
we can build even better tools.

Feature Details for Custom Schemas

  • ID/IDREF/IDREFS checking in RELAX NG is enabled for the
    benefit of those who use their own schemas and expect this feature
    to work. However, the preset schemas do not use RELAX NG
    ID/IDREF/IDREFS features, because the checking isn’t precise
    enough (cannot require that the referent is of a certain type) and
    using these features places really annoying restrictions on the

  • Comments are not exposed to the validation layer and,
    therefore, cannot be matched in Schematron.

  • The document is validated independently (but concurrently)
    against each schema. The Schematron validators do not see IDness
    assignments from the RELAX NG validators.

  • Embedded Schematron is not supported.

  • processing is performed. Also, the
    attribute in no namespace is given IDness unless the
    host element is a CML element. This means that both
    and (X)HTML are matched by the XPath
    function. SVG 1.2 IDness rules are not honored.

  • The following datatype libraries are supported:

    • The RELAX
      NG DTD Compatibility library

    • The W3C XML
      Schema Datatypes library

    • RELAX NG
      Datatype Library for HTML5 Datatypes
      () This is not a
      stable library, so you should not rely on it at this time.

  • The HTML parser emits
    parse events as if it was parsing an equivalent XHTML flavor
    document. Therefore, the schemas should assume lowercase element
    names in the XHTML namespace and attributes in no namespace (except
    the attribute maps to

  • The HTML 4.01 parsing
    mode does not use
    an SGML parser. Instead, the HTML5 parser is used in an HTML 4.01
    compatibility mode. The names of boolean attributes are repeated as
    values for compatibility with XHTML 1.0 schemas. (This does not
    happen in the HTML5 mode.)

Policy File Validation

Changes and known bugs:

  • 2002/12/01
    In the «Vocabulary check» step, even when there are errors, the validator
    says «no error».
  • 2002/11/04
    The validator does not check the expiration date of the P3P policy. Now it is fixed.
  • 2002/08/27
    When the policy file is on the SSL site, the validator thinks the policy file
    does not exist. Now it is fixed.
  • 2002/08/27
    The parameter of the header.pl is not correctly escaped. Now it is fixed.
  • 2002/06/18
    If the policy reference file contains non-XML code, the validator
    fails to parse the PRF, and stops without any error messages.
  • 2002/06/03
    In the HTTP response header, the policy ref directive (= policyref="/w3c/pref.xml") and the compact policy (= CP="NOI IND ..") must be seperated with a comma
    character. The validator does not report an error, when a comma is missing. Now it is fixed .
  • 2002/05/16 When a compact policy includes NID element,
    the compact policy does not have to include compact-purpose / compact-retention /
    compact-recipient / compact-category tokens. However, the validator requires them.
    Now it is fixed.
  • 2002/04/09 Validator did not recognize the compact
    policy LOC category. Now, it is fixed.
  • 2002/03/26 When the target URI includes some special
    characters, the validator failed. Now it is fixed.
  • 2002/03/22 URI patterns of the INCLUDE and
    EXCLUDE elements in the PRF were relative to the PRF URI.
    Now, they are relative to the target URI (See of the spec
    for the details ).
  • 2002/03/20 HTTPS related bug. When PRF is https and
    the policy is http, the validator misunderstands that they are on the
    different web sites. Now it is fixed.
  • 2002/03/20 Link check sequence does not work correctly,
    when the user uploads the P3P policy file. Now it is fixed.
  • 2002/03/20 If user defined DATASCHEMA uses
    DATA-STRUCT element in the base data schema file, the validator
    does not correctly recognize it.
  • 2002/03/20 The validator did not recognize
    DATASCHEMA embedded in the policy file, when the user upload the
    policy file. Now, fixed.
  • 2002/03/14 Now, the validator supports https.
  • 2002/02/21 The validator does not support https
    protocol at this point. It will be supported soon.
  • 2002/02/21 «<link> element multiple line»
    bug fixed.
  • 2002/02/20 «dot dot slash» bug fixed.
    Now, the validator recognizes that [http://example.com/../abc/cde] is
    equivalent to [http://example.com/abc/cde].
  • 2002/02/19 «<POLICY> element» bug fixed.
    Now, the validator does not allows policy files starting with
    <POLICY> element.
  • 2002/02/19 "http-equiv header" bug fixed.
  • 2002/02/18 «Single quote bug» fixed. The values of policyref and
    CP in the P3P: http header must be quoted with double quotation marks
    ("). The validator allowed single quotation marks illegally.
  • 2002/02/14 The validator recognizes http-equiv headers in HTML documents.
    This is not a bug. However, almost all HTML user agents do not recognize http-equiv
    headers. Therefore, I will make the validator not to recognize them.
    Details about this issue is here.
  • 2002/01/28 The validator is compatible with
    the P3P PR (proposed recommendation) spec.


  • The detailed document about this validator is
  • If you have a site you would like added to the P3P compliant sites list,
    please first check your website using the P3P validator, and send e-mail
    to Yuichi Koike. Please make sure that the e-mail includes your site’s URL and your site’s name.
  • This validator is compatible with P3P spec from Sep 15, 2000 to Jan 29, 2002.
    Older version of P3P validator is available here.
  • Policy files will be checked against P3P XML schema and
    Base data
  • Source code of this validator is available at
  • This is alpha version, and may have bugs and errors. Please report
    errors and bugs to koike_5@mmp.cl.nec.co.jp.


Why validate?

There is a common feeling amongst some web developers that if a web page looks fine in browsers, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t validate. They describe validation as an ideal goal, but not something that is a black-and-white issue.

Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

There are two very powerful reasons to validate your HTML as you author it:

  • You are not always perfect, and neither is your code — we all make mistakes, and your web pages will be higher quality (ie, work more consistently) if you weed out all the mistakes.
  • Browsers change. In the future, it is likely that browsers will be less forgiving when parsing invalid code, not more forgiving.

Validation is your early-warning system about introducing bugs into your markup that can manifest in interesting and hard-to-determine ways. When a browser encounters invalid HTML, it has to take an educated guess as to what you meant to do—and different browsers can come up with different answers.


Удобный бесплатный сервис, позволяющий разработчикам и дизайнерам при анализе и правке CSS.

Для проверки просто вводим в строку url адрес страницы и запускаем процесс.

После исследования появится надпись об отсутствии ошибок либо же будут указаны недочеты при невалидном коде.

Дальше уже веб-мастер отрабатывает все эти недочеты и проводит повторную проверку.

Последняя вкладка позволяет сразу исследовать онлайн часть набранного текста непосредственно в HTML.

Кроме самостоятельных сервисов проверки, существуют и встроенные плагины, призванные автоматически обнаруживать неточности в разметке.

Но эти инструменты-плагины скорее удобное дополнение, нежели полная замена валидатору.

Одним из таких плагинов является Tidy.

Он быстро сканирует страницу и выделяет неточности, которые можно классифицировать в группы:

  1. Предупреждения. Они содержат сведения об ошибках, которые можно устранять в автоматическом режиме.
  2. Ошибки. Отдельным цветом плагин подчеркивает те ошибки, которые разработчику нужно исправлять вручную.

Одним из плюсов плагина Tidy является автоматическая проверка страницы сразу в браузере.

Не нужно переключать свое внимание и загружать страницу в онлайн-проверку html-кода. При просмотре ресурса значок в строке состояния указывает количество неточностей на странице

При просмотре ресурса значок в строке состояния указывает количество неточностей на странице.

Это лучшее бесплатное расширение для валидатора HTML работает на основе Tidy и OpenSP.

Оба этих алгоритма были в первую очередь созданы W3C.

Сервис дает возможность проводить проверку на 17 разных языках.


Соответствие ресурса принятым в W3C стандартам гарантирует:

  • совместимость сайта с различными браузерами;
  • правильное отображение на различных устройствах (в том числе и мобильных);
  • снижение возможности появления багов с различными платформами;
  • эффективное продвижение сайта.

Поэтому W3C-валидатор следует включить в свой список обязательных инструментов при работе над созданием новых веб-проектов или сопровождении уже разработанных сайтов.

Plan and Vision

High-Level Objectives

  • Provide the web with a one-stop service for Web Quality check
  • Help raise quality for (m)any kind(s) of Web content
  • Build a positive culture of Web Quality
  • Future-proof our services (new formats, new usage)
  • Leverage Communities energy
  • Remain the trusted source by professionals
  • Find the right balance between accuracy and user-friendliness


  • New engine: The CSS validator is currently suffering from its usage of a relatively complex java engine for parsing and validation. With help, the engine could be rewritten using either java or a different technology (e.g javascript), while using the existing test suite and localization resources to keep the tool reliable and multilingual.
  • move from a per-profile only validation to a checking of «all of CSS properties» by default, mirroring the current consensus in CSS Working Group that there is only «one CSS».
  • Add major features, such as accessibility checker (color contrast analysis) and browser bug check (your CSS is valid, but these feature may cause trouble). These may be added directly to the validator, or plugged in together with the CSS validator into the Unicorn Framework.


In general, we follow the «fork-and-pull» Git workflow.

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub
  2. Clone the project to your own machine
  3. Work on your fork
    1. Make your changes and additions
      • Most of your changes should be focused on and folders and/or .
      • Files such as , and files in folder are autogenerated when running tests () and need not to be changed manually.
    2. Change or add tests if needed
    3. Run tests and make sure they pass
    4. Add changes to README.md if needed
  4. Commit changes to your own branch
  5. Make sure you merge the latest from «upstream» and resolve conflicts if there is any
  6. Repeat step 3(3) above
  7. Push your work back up to your fork
  8. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes

Как исправить наиболее частые ошибки

Каким бы способом ни была проведена проверка кода, ошибки выходят списком. Также обязательно указана строка с недочётом.

Прежде чем править код, стоит на всякий случай сделать резервную копию шаблона сайта.

В расширении для Firefox при нажатии на название ошибки в открытом окошке расширения вас автоматически перебрасывает на строку с невалидным кодом.

К этим же ошибкам указаны подсказки по их исправлению.
Приведу пару примеров.

1. No space between attributes.
…rel=»shortcut icon» href=»http://arbero.ru/favicon.ico» type=»image/x-icon»

Здесь исправления убираем «точку с запятой».

2. End tag for element «div» which is not open

Закрывающий тег div лишний. Убираем его.

Плохо знаете английский язык (а всегда всё описано именно на нём)? Копируете код ошибки и вставляете его в поисковик. Аналогичную тему наверняка уже описывал какой-то вебмастер или верстальщик, следовательно, вы всегда найдете способ решения задачи на специализированных ресурсах.

Хотя, если честно, я бы не тратил много усилий на ошибки в коде. Лучше просто позаботьтесь о том, чтобы сайт корректно выглядел на всех устройствах и браузерах.

Download and Install the CSS Validator

Download the CSS Validator

The CSS validator is available in three different packaging: from Git for developers who want the very latest version,
as a jar archive to build applications and for use as a command line tool, and (since 2009) as a war archive for server-side

Download the source code

The source of the CSS Validator can be retrieved with Git.
Please note that the online service for the CSS validator is a stable release,
generally a little older than the version under Git, and their results and behaviour may differ.

Download the Java archive (jar)

Installation Guide

The CSS Validation service is based on a servlet written in the cross-platform Java language, and can
be installed on any servlet platform. While the official service from W3C runs under the Jigsaw server
(which is the recommended setup), we will for the sake of convenience describe in this guide the setup
under Apache’s servlet engine, Tomcat, as well as some quick instructions for Jigsaw and commandline usage.


This guide assumes that you have already downloaded and installed successfully the following:

  • a working java environment ;
  • the Ant java build tool ;
  • a Java servlet container such as Jigsaw,
    Tomcat or Jetty, if you plan to provide the validator as a web service.

As a prerequisite to the installation, you will need to know the complete path to the java library called servlet.jar.
It is generally available within /common/lib/, with being the path under which Tomcat is installed. It may also be found under the name servlet-api.jar. If you can not
find it, java.sun.com will have it.

Installation of the CSS validator under Tomcat

  1. Download the Git source as explained  ;
  2. Edit the file called build.xml and replace the value of
    property servlet.lib with the full path to servlet.jar
  3. You can now build the source : from [VALIDATOR_DIRrun the command ant war.
    Running ant should download a number of necessary libraries, and build the archive called css-validator.war.

  4. Copy or move css-validator.war to /webapps.
  5. Finally, restart the Tomcat engine :"cd ; ./bin/shutdown.sh; ./bin/startup.sh;"

Installation of the CSS validator under Jigsaw

  1. Download the Git source as explained previously, save it under /WWW
    and build source with ant jigsaw ;
  2. Next, configure the root folder for the validator (in most cases it will be called css-validator) to make it a servlet container.
    Within your Jigsaw installation, launch the Jigsaw Admin utility, browse to and change it from HTTPFrame to ServletDirectoryFrame ;
  3. The next step will be to create a «validator» resource as ‘ServletWrapper’ class. A ‘ServletWrapperFrame’ frame will automagically
    be created for it. You will need to provide the name of the servlet class, which for the CSS Validator os org.w3c.css.servlet.CssValidator.
    Note that a file called “validator” may already be present – you MUST rename it, as the validator absolutely needs to enforce this name for the servlet wrapper ;
  4. Make sure that all the .jar libraries within the /WWW/css-validator/lib folder
    are properly added to Jigsaw’s CLASSPATH setup.
  5. Finally, restart Jigsaw and point your browser to the validator. The URI should be something like :

Any computer with Java installed can also run the validator from the terminal/console as a commandline tool.
Download the css-validator.jar jar archive (or build it with ant jar) and run it as :java -jar css-validator.jar http://www.w3.org/.

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